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Tikvat Yisrael Messianic Synagogue Onboarding Messianic Judaism Sessions Notes:


"Messianic Judaism is a movement of Jewish people from all walks of life, who believe that Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) is the Promised Jewish Messiah and Savior for Israel and the world."

"Messianic Jews have not stopped being Jewish."

You are still Jewish.

Messianic Judaism is a movement of the Spirit of God.

In the Book of Acts were the first Messianic Jews.

Acts 10-11

Rabbinic Judaism focuses on the teachings of the Rabbis.

They also focus on oral teachings.

Messianic Judaism focuses on the Bible.

John 1:1

Yeshua is the Word of God.

Biblical Judaism is based on the Bible.

We're not relying on men.

We're relying on God.

We have access to God because of the Atoning work of Yeshua.

Matthew 5:17

How can He abolish the Torah when He is the Torah Himself?

With Messianic Judaism, you have one thing.

Yeshua was born a Jew for a reason.

He was a middle eastern semantic person.

Romans 11:24-25

There will be a time in history when the hearts will be softened and the Jewish people will recognize Yeshua as the Messiah.

The veil will be lifted.

There is nothing in the Torah against lighting candles.

Numbers 15

All of Rabbinic Judaism believes in the oral Torah.

That is the Talmud.

That wasn't written down till 200 years after Messiah.

The Bible says the Lord gave Moses all the Words He gave him.

If the Rabbis teach anything that is not opposed to the Torah, do it.

Messianic Judaism is all the Messiah.

We need to be focused on Him.

Anything we take and use to worship that we get off center is an idol.

We're not using the Commandments to earn our salvation.

Matthew 1:21

The word Yeshua in Hebrew means salvation.

Romans 10:9-10

Nowhere does it say if you do the Commandments will you be saved.

The Torah was never meant to be a Covenant of salvation.

It was given to give Israel distinction.

It is the Spirit that wakes us up.

How do we get saved?

Ecclesiastes 7:20

We have to acknowledge we sin.

We have to acknowledge we are sinners.

2 Corinthians 7:14

We have to repent.

Isaiah 53:5-6

Revelation 3:20

We need to accept.

We have to believe we have sinned.

Romans 3:23

We have to get it.

1 John 1:5-10

Isaiah 64:6

God's Definition of sin is different than our definition.

Sin is sin.

Any sin keeps us from God's Perfection.

Only with Yeshua can we hit the bullseye.

Sin includes our actions.

Jeremiah 17:9

Psalm 51:5

Isaiah 59:1-2

Where is our authority?

We believe in the Word of God.

Hesed - grace

Titus 3:5

Ephesians 2:8-9

Romans 6:23

John 3:16

Not just believes in Him but trusts in Him.

Hebrews 11:1

John 14:6, 11:25-26

It's our faith in God that brings us to salvation.

We must have faith in God abd God's Word.

It is only through faith in Yeshua.

There is only one way.

It is Yeshua.

John 11:25-26

How you answer the question tells if you are saved.

Only Messianic Judaism is Biblical Judaism.

Our sacrific is Yeshua.

That is Biblical.

Ezekiel 46-49

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