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Tikvat Yisrael Messianic Synagogue Bible Study Notes for January 23rd:


Parashat Vaera 5785 / פָּרָשַׁת וָאֵרָא

Torah: Exodus 6:2-9:35

Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21

The Passover dinner commemorates the exodus from Egypt.

For believers it commemorates the shedding of the ultimate sacrifice.

We don't want to forget the old and only focus on the new.

The Gospel starts in Genesis.

It does not start in Matthew.

The empty place setting is for Elijah.

It is based on the Scripture in Malachi.

John the Baptist was a foreshadow of the two witnesses in Revelation.

Elijah never died.

First cup is sanctification.

Second cup is deliverance.

Third cup is redemption.

Fourth cup is betrothal.

The second cup is always refer to as the cup of plagues.

God delivered our people out of Egypt wuth a mighty Hand and plagues.

Moses delivered people from the Egyptians.

Yeshua delivered us all.

Moses gave the Law.

Yeshua was the Law.

What does it mean to be santicfied?

Accepting you are a sinner and accepting Christ as your Savior is the first step in being sactified.

Being sactified means you are set apart for a specific purpose.

We are set apart for a specific reason.

Romans 15:16

Hebrews 10:10

Holy means you are set apart.

Sanctification and holy go hand and hand.

It is Messiah that set us apart for His Purpose.

Our sanctification process is not just set apart.

It is God putting the effort to making us what He wants us to be.

We have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness.

We had false knowledge.

God is a God of Consolation.

We all have been delivered from slavery to death.

We are delivered from the original judgement of eternal separation from God.

God did that Himself.

We may die in this world but in the next world we live forever.

The third cup reminds us of the high price Christ paid for our redemption.

Redemption is a ransom.

God said I am worth the death of His Son Yeshua on the stake.

We are worth so much more to God than what anyone thinks.

If we look at what Yeshua became.

He became our Kinsman Redeemer.

He redeemed us but the price He had to pay.

He thought enough of us to lay down His Life that we would have a fighting chance.

He gave it all.

He gave everything.

He gave His Life for us.

In what maaner are we bethrothed to Him as a people?

We are in a betrothal period right now.

It's like an engaged couple.

Joseph and Mary were engaged.

Yeshua was conceived before they were actually married.

Yeshua has redeemed us.

He gave us a pledge.

Being betrothed as believers we keep ourselves holy and sanctified.

We are to keep ourselves until the Lord comes for us.

We don't worship other gods.

We don't follow the ways of the world.

Hosea 2:21

I belong to God.

I am not my own possession.

We have One Lover of our soul.

That is Hashem.

The connection of Yeshua to the Passover was by John the Baptist.

He saw clearly before anyone else understood.

John was set apart before he was born.

Before we were born, God had us set apart for a purpose.

Acts 6:7

Yeshua didn't come to do away with Passover.

He fulfilled it.

We are reenacting the Passover.

There are a lot of Commandments we can't fulfill to a tee because we don't live in Israel.

Biblically no one can do a real Passover.

Each plague was one of the false gods they worshipped.

God humiliated each of Egyptians false gods.

The Finger of God is the Power of God.

It is the Hand of God that is moving.

It has to do with His Power.


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