If anyone has a Prayer Need or a Prayer Request e-mail me at . In the subject of the e-mail write "Prayer Request" or "Prayer Need" because I delete e-mails that I do not know what they are about. I would be happy to Pray for you and your need.
I want to have the heart, love, and peace of John James, the generosity and humbleness of Ty, the dedication (to the Lord then to people) of Jye, the emotional strength of Kye, plus the wisdom, understanding, and sweetness of Gabriel. Also the loyalty of all these characters.
My name is Selena Millman. I have had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis since I was 4. I have more health issues now. I use a wheelchair and walk with crutches. My health limits me in many ways but I try not to dwell on that. I live in a nice apartment with a very loving cat (Moira - update: she died in 2019). I have caring parents, kind neighbors, nice helpers, and a caring Church family.
I started writing when I was 15. It truly started out because I had an idea that would not go away. After months of having the idea in my head I figured I would try writing it. I'd write, put it down, then pick it up again. Writing started as a hobby that I would do once in awhile. It was many years later that I truly loved writing. I never knew it would become a passion.
It seems I have trouble writing if it is an assignment. But when my ideas are free to flow they generally do. God blessed me with an overactive overflowing imagination.
My favorite part of writing is characters. That's why I love writing fiction the best. It comes easiest to me. I usually don't write in series type stories. But one group I am writing is a series that seems to not want to end. I'm not complaining. I actually like it.
Mostly I write character driven fiction. To me, if the characters aren't interesting I don't care about what I'm reading or watching. Most of my stories are things that could actually happen or could be happening. I have some that are fantasy types with fairies, mermaids, a talking dragon, and other magically type creatures. Most of my stories do not have any magical beings.
I write some poetry and lyrics. These don't come as easy to me but sometimes an idea is sparked. When an idea is sparked, I run with it.
I have a few devotional books with Bible Scripture.
I also have a few photo books. While writing is a passion, I love taking photos. Mostly of nature (sky, clouds, trees, etc), animals, and my cat.
As much as I love writing, I try to never put it before the Lord. I spend more time reading devotions and Bible Scripture than I do writing any of my books/stories.
Selena's Author Page:
Books, Characters, & Writing on Facebook:
My books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble online, ,, and .
I also post my spiritual and devotional posts on my Spirit of Love Prayer Team & Bible Study page -
My YouTube channel -
My 'Focus On Love' Zazzle Store:
Me on Facebook:
Heart 4 Jesus:
Love 4 Jesus:
Books by Selena:
All 4 Ty:
My main email address is Unless something is going on, I check it every day. If you email me, please write "Selena's Devotions and Books" in the subject line. I get a lot of spam mail and would not want to accidently delete an important message.
Author Bio:
Storyteller at Heart
Selena Millman was born in Cleveland Ohio. She started writing because of her overflowing imagination. Writing started as a hobby. Years later, it meant so much more. Her favorite part of writing is the characters. She mostly writes fiction but has written some poetry, lyrics, and children's books. Selena has books published on that are available on Amazon. As her love for the Lord has grown, she has started adding Bible Scriptures into her writing.