Psalm 145:18
Jeremiah 33:3
Proverbs 3:5-6
Philippians 4:6
1 Peter 5:7
James 4:8-10
1 Timothy 2:8
Psalm 100:4
Daniel 9:3-19
Matthew 6:9-13
John 17
Psalm 100
Psalm 149-150
Colossians 2:6-7
Proverbs 28:13
2 Peter 1:3-4
Matthew 16:19
James 4:7
Romans 1:9
Ephesians 1:15-19
Isaiah 62:6
Ezekiel 22:30
Luke 18:1-9
John 11
James 5:7
Psalm 139:23-24
1 John 5:14-15
James 4:3
Isaiah 59:1-2
Proverbs 15:22
The importance of prayer is your pipeline to God.
Prayer puts your faith into action.
Pray about everything because God is in every aspect of our life.
Don't try to pray about everything at one time.
Stay humble before the Lord.
Pray quietly or out loud.
Pray out loud when you are alone.
God doesn't need your prayers.
You need your prayers.
End your morning prayer time by committing your day to the Lord.
Praise and Worship is glorifying and exalting God.
It's about Him.
It's about the attention of the heart.
Praise and Worship.
Give Thanks.
That's the way to enter into God's Presence.
Confess sins.
Stand on God's Promises.
"Binding and Loosing - taking authority in the spiritual realm over the powers of darkness, circumstances, emotions, our old nature, etc; it is also "loosing" the Spirit of God in victory, power, and whatever else is needed."
Get Bold.
Pray for others.
Don't quit.
God wants us to seek Him.
Reasons for unanswered prayer (It might not be God's time; Often we need to persist; It's possible our prayer might not be in God's Will; There might be sin in our lives; Lack of faith)
Examine ourselves.
Believe what you are praying.
Be sensitive to Jewish needs.
Use words that are softer to a Hebrew Jewish believer.
Words are powerful.
Terminology is very important.
1 Corinthians 9:19-22
In Hebrew the Name Yeshua means salvation.
There is nothing wrong with saying Jesus Christ.
To the Jews, the Name Jesus is not Jewish.
Yeshua is the actual Hebrew Name for "Jesus".
There are two parts of the Body of Messiah.
Messiah rather than Christ.
The New Covenant was written in Greek but it was written by Jews.
Israel Bible Society
We prefer to be called Messianic Jews not Hebrew Christians.
Jeremiah 31
Acts 22:3
The numbering in the Christian Bible is different than the Hebrew Bible.
1 Corintians 10
Mikveh or Immersion - Mikveh is the pool of water. Immerision is the Jewish ceremony being "immersed" (Christians call it Baptism)
We don't call it baptism.
We are staying Jewish.
Baptism comes from mikveh.
We have to remember context.
The Apostles were brilliant.
They wrote in Greek to reach more people.
When Moses asked Who should He say sent him it was spelled out in Hebrew (I am. I was. And I will be.)
Back then Moses knew the vowels to put in YHVH.
He is also called El Shaddai.
After exile many Jews came back not speaking Hebrew.
Caiaphas was not really a Levite.
Romans appointed the Priest.
You call the Lord Adonai in Prayer.
He's the Lord.
When you're talking about God the Jews say Hashem.
Hashem means the Name.
God's Name is so holy.
Jews don't try to say YHVH.
We don't know what the vowels are.
We got to be versatile.
Leviticus 11:45
1 Peter 5:8-9
Romans 12:1-2
John 17:14-17
2 Timothy 2:19-21
John 10:27
John 14:15
John 10:10
2 Corinthians 9:6
Romans 8:38-39
James 2:17
1 John 1:8
1 John 2:1-2
1 John 2:3-6
1 John 3:7-9
Revelation 21:8
The Bible started with the Jews.
God has a will and a plan for each believer.
Don't go on a sin vacation.
We're in the world but we're not controlled by it.
We want to be vessels to the Lord.
Sometimes we have to do what's right even when the world is telling us what we do is wrong.
It is a high calling.
We can't go by the world.
We can all fall and we don't want to fall.
Keep yourself even from the appearance of evil.
How strong God's will takes hold in our lives depends on us.
Although we fail God at times nothing can separate us from His Love.
Don't let anything stop you from repenting.
Mikveh is a symbol of something that supposed to have already happened.
We're to be separate but not away.
Just because someone calls themselves believers does not mean they are believers.
God's Justice is tempered with His Mercy.
Scripture says anyone can be saved.
We can't look at someine else and say you are saved.
Just because someone sins that does not make us not believers.
Being saved is not a one time event.
Words are cheap.
Actions speak louder than words.
We don't want to practice sin.
We don't want to wake up thinking how we can sin.
If we don't care about sin that is itchy.
"All believers will commit sins; we will slip and transgress God's Law; the reason is that we never lose our old nature (I Jn 1:8)"
"When we do sin, Yeshua is our Advocate in Heaven interceding for us (I Jn. 2:1-2)"
"Practicing sin is dramatically different from committing sin"
"(I Jn 3:7-9 - the word in this verse for "committing" sin actually means "practicing a life" of sin)"
God is the only one that knows if someone is truly saved.