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Tikvat Yisrael Messianic Synagogue Bible Study Notes for February 6th:



Parashat Beshalach 5785 / פָּרָשַׁת בְּשַׁלַּח

Torah: Exodus 13:17-17:16

Haftarah: Judges 4:4-5:31

Gospels: Mark 6


Titles of Messiah

Prince (Nasi) (Ezekiel 44:3-48:22)

Archegos of Life (Acts 3:1)

Archegos and Savior (Acts 5:31)

Archegos of Salvation (Hebrews 2:10)

Archegos and Perfector of Faith (Hebrews 12:2)

Bread from Heaven (John 6:32)

Bread of Life (John 6:35)

Manna (John 6:32-51)

The Spiritual Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4)

Root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:10)

Signal (nes) for the People (Isaiah 11:10)


God hears our prayers and answers before we call.

We always have to remember the Bible (Genesis to Revelation) is our ultimate Scriptural Authority.

We have to be careful to recognize that anything outside of Scripture does not have the authority and should not be taken literally.

Yeshua tells us parables as well.

He's a Rabbi.

Joshua 24:32

Often in Scrpture Egypt represents our old sinful life.

Joseph's empty tomb is a great analogy to Yeshua's empty tomb.

Numbers 9:1-14

We can easily confuse stories with Scripture.

We need to remember what is really Scripture and what is not Scripture.

We have to remember the Lord's Character.

Sometimes He's willing to bend His Law because of a positive mitzvah.

The first day of Feast of Unleavened Bread reminds us of redemption.

On the first day they slaughtered the lamb to cover themselves.

We see that in Messiah.

He is the ultimate lamb.

He was slaughtered on the first night.

The last night anticipates the final redemption of Yeshua.

The first day is a festival and a Shabbat.

The eighth is the day of dedication.

The last day is a Shabbat.

Yeshua's first coming is shown in the Passover.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is the eighth day.

We are being saved.

We are not completed yet.

We are being renewed day by day.

There is more to come.

Psalm 69:1-2, 16

We have to have faith.

Israel had to have faith to walk into the water.

Yeshua is the first that went into the grave and never died again.

Israel did go into the water by faith.

Yeshua is the ultimate righteous Person.

We are born with the sin nature.

We have no way to atone for ourselves.

Because of Yeshua's Atonement and Blood, He allows us to escape.

We have etenal life because of His Atonenent that He paid for us on the cross.

Genesis 22

We are like manslaughters and we are living in the town of refuge.

We have to compare everything we read to what Scripture really says.

Acts 4:12

We can believe a generic god or a god by any other name but belief in Yeshua is what saves us.

John 14:1

Yeshua saves us from sin, from satan, and from death.

We believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

We believe in Yeshua.

He is greater than Moses.

We have to remember Yeshua is the greatest of any.

He is not just a man.

He is God.

He is God in the flesh.

He refered to Himself as I Am.

He is the I Am.

He is God and that is final.

There is no bending in that.

We have to believe in God but we have to believe in Him.

We have to believe in Yeshua.

He is One.

Christ is everything.

He is the Bread of Life.

Manna was like a tidbit of Christ.

When the children of Israel were in the desert they had to rely on God for everything.

God will only give you what you need.

You got to believe in Yeshua.

We can't have yesterday's manna.

You got to have faith today.

John 6:51

Yeshua always refers back to Torah.

His Word His Teaching is what our souls need.

Our daily bread is getting into that Bible.

When we have nothing else to live for in our life we have manna in Yeshua.

He is that Bread that will sustain us.

We are in the wilderness now.

This is not our home.

The Messiah is concealed.

He will give us Himself.

We can only overcome in Him.

Stay in Him.

Three offices of Messiah - Prophet, Priest, and King.

In His first coming He was the Prophet and the Priest.

He is the King then and when He comes back.

Hebrews 9:4

The manna in the ark lasts for ever.

That's Yeshua.

John 6:41

The staff that budded represent His Resurrection.

The tablets represent His role as King.

1 Corinthians 10:4

Yeshua is a rock because He is the cornerstone.

He is our foundation.

He is our foundation but He is also life for us if we build on Him.

The rock shows the longevity of eternity.

1 Corinthians 10

If Scripture validates a legend then its true.

Only in those cases can we say that story or event is authoritative.

We always go by Scripture.

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