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Tikvat HVP Lesson 2


Tikvat HVP Lesson 2 Pt 1 Rabbi Eric Lakatos|History Vision & Purpose

(I missed the live class for lesson 2)

Steps of Salvation

Acknowledge publicly that Yeshua is the Lord.

Romans 10:9

We're delivered from our sins.

That is the beginning.

God changes us more and more into His Image.

We're saved from a number of things by this belief in Yeshua.

We now have fellowship with God.

How does one get saved?

3 steps to the plan of salvation.

We need to recognize our sins.

We need to acknowledge we are sinners.

Ecclesiastes 7:20

We are all sinners.

We have all sinned.

We need to repent from that sin.

Repentance is a turning away from sin.

It is no longer wanting that sinful lifestyle.

2 Chronicles 7:14

1: Recognize we are sinners.

2: Turn back to the Lord. Repent.

3: Accept the atonement and forgiveness that comes to us with the work of Yeshua.

Isaiah 53:5-6 gives us the prophetic purpose of the coming of the Messiah.

The purpose for sending the Messiah was for Him to stand in our place.

The punishment that was due to us was laid on Him.

1: Recognize our sins.

2: Repent.

3: Accept the atonement and forgiveness.

Revelation 3:20

Yeshua is waiting for us.

He is knocking at the door.

Messiah has made atonement for everyone.

We're saved from sin.

We must believe we have sinned.

Romans 3:23

Anything short of God's righteous standards is sin.

The 10 Commandments are a summary of the 613.

Isaiah 64:5-6

There is no one that naturally calls on the Lord.

We cannot earn our own righteousness on our own.

God's Righteous standards is that bulleye.

Jeremiah 17:9

Psalm 51:5

We were born rebellious because we all have earthly father.

We inherit it through our fathers.

Eve sinned.

She was deceived but Adam willingly rebelled against the Lord.

Isaiah 59:1

It's not that God doesn't want to hear us.

The first prayer God hears from anyone is their sincere call for repentance.

He's a Loving Father.

He wants to be with us but He's not going to be with our rebellous ways.

We can't save ourselves.

Titus 3:5

It is by God's Grace.

It is a Gift.

Ephesians 2:8-9

Salvation is a free Gift.

You have to believe it and accept it.

We're saved because of God's Love.

John 3:16

What would faith be if it was something we can see?

Hebrews 11:1

The Bible Itself is written evidence written by eyewitnesses.

We must have faith in God and in His Promises.

It us only faith in Yeshua and His Atonement that brings us salvation.

John 14:6

There is no other way of salvation.

There is no other way to be saved from our sin.

John 11:25

Salvation brings us into the new birth.

John 3

John 7:40

Tikvat HVP Lesson 2 Pt 2 R abbi Eric Lakatos|History Vision & Purpose

John 3

John 7:40-53

John 19:39

The natural man cannot please God.

We cannot atone for our sins.

The "new birth" is changing who we are.

We become citizens of Heaven.

We enter into a one on One relationship with God.

We must be born of water and the spirit.

Water is a cleansing agent.

Mikvah is a Judaism thing that was before Christianity.

This is a Jewish concept that had been around for years.

Ezekiel 36:24-27

This is what the Prophet promised.

Through Yeshua it is happening.

Titus 3:5

Being born again is supernatural of the Holy Spirit.

At some point in your life you softened your heart and repented of your sins.

When the revelation of Who Yeshua is is revealed to your heart that's the transformation work of the Holy Spirit.

John 3:16 is the focal point of the New Covenant.

Believe means more than knowledge.

It means to trust Him and to commit your life to Him and to rely on Him.

We don't know or trust anything other than the Messiah to be our Savior.

He didn't come to judge us the first time.

Matthew 25:41

We are already condemned because of our sins.

He came to save us.

He came to deliver us.

Verses in John show that Yeshua did claim to be God's Son.

"By the acceptance of Yeshua as the Messiah and Son of the Living God, we are spiritually reborn into the family of God."

Luke 15:10

1 Corithians 6:19-20

You can act like a believer but maybe you're not.

A true believer should have evidence in our lives.

Heaven rejoices when we receive salvation.

Our names are written in The Book of Life.

Our bodies are a Temple of the Holy Spirit.

You should walk in that righteousness.

It doesn't mean you won't blow it.

It means you no longer want to walk in rebellion.

Your heart is softened and you're constantly walking in a state of repentance before the Lord.

You recognize you don't beling to yourself.

You don't do whatever you want.

The Bible is your Authority in your life.

You trust in God's Word.

You realize you were bought with a price.

When you're forgiven He casts your sins as far as the east is from the west.

You have to believe what the Bible says.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Once you've received salvation there is no condemnation.

You have to tell yourself that.

You have to believe it.

We are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 1:13-14

The fact that you feel convicted of your sin and you feel bad for the way you used to live and you turned from that that is evident that you have the Holy Spirit.

You may not always feel saved.

It's not about what you feel.

If you have the Holy Spirit that's a guarantee.

You can receive it.

You can reject it.

As long as we want it we are sealed.

You are saved as long as you want it.

Just because you sin after salvation does not mean you are no longer saved.

Ephesians 4:30

When a believer sins it grieves that Lord.

It breaks His Heart.

It's not that you are condemned.

That does not mean you are not saved.

You belong to the Kingdom of God.

You can return in repentance.

1 Peter 2:2

Learn the Word of God.

Get It into your heart.

You must get into the Word of God.

It is the nourishment of your souls.

That is the way the Holy Spirit will get attuned with you.

If you are not born again, turn to the Lord and repent.

God created you.

He loves you.

He wants you to be with Him for eternity.

1 John 1:9


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