When God chose Israel He set them aside for a specific purpose.
When God chose the sons of Levi He set them aside for a specific purpose.
The One Priest that is better than anyone else is Yeshua.
The concept of Holiness is set aside for a specific purpose.
We're not supposed to be conformed to this world.
We can't have immorality.
Acts 15:19
Judaism cannot tolerate sexual immorality because it leads to idolatry.
Do people sin? Yes.
If there a chance for repentance? Yes.
Is this worse than other sins? No.
God does not allow sin.
God does not tempt.
We can't use God's Grace as a license to sin.
God brought us to new life in Him and that affects how we relate to people.
2 Corinthians 5:17
We are not like the world.
Jew and Gentile, we are new creations.
Any sex outside of marriage damages people's lives.
It is bondage.
2 Peter 2:19
God's Will will bring satisfaction and freedom.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Romans 6:11-14
You're not your own.
It's not your body.
God created your body.
Count yourself dead to sin and alive to God.
We're not under the law of sin and death.
It's important that we develop the mindset of who we are.
We have to guard our hearts and minds.
God created us male and female.
There is nothing else.
We're in a battle.
Society is against us.
We have to guard what we believe in, what we stand for, and how we live.
You have to know your morality.
You can't go by sight.
Sex and love is a choice.
It's not just a feeling.
Leviticus 18
Leviticus 20
Genesis 1:27a
Genesis 2:18, 24
You can be restored through repentance.
Adultery breaks the Covenant.
1 Cornithians 6:9-10
Leviticus 20:13
Romans 1:24-32
Anything outside of a Covenant marriage is sin.
Any behavior that controls you is a problem.
Anything that is addictive is not of God.
We succumb to various sins.
We have to have grace with each other as God has grace with us.
1 Corinthians 7:2
God knows your needs and desires.
Proverbs 18:22
Acts 16:31
Holiness is guarding yourself.
1 Corinthians 7:12
God never gives up on us.
God doesn't dispose of us because He gets tired of us.
Divorce is not God's Will.
Malachi 2:14-16
Mark 10:11-12
We have to be careful.
There is a curse.
We break the curse by being new creations and living God's Way.
It's His Rules.
We don't make them up as we go.
We have to live His Way.
He's got our best in store.
Nobody should be made to feel guilty because we've all struggled.