The Messianic Judaism movement is not only in America.
Messianic Judaism is all over the world.
"Why do we use the name "Yeshua" rather than "Jesus"?
Because Yeshua is His given Hebrew Name!"
Isaiah 62:11
Matthew 1:21
He was never called Jesus when He walked the Earth.
He was called Yeshua.
He was always called Yeshua.
Similar to Joshua.
It was a very common name at that time.
Some people think Christ is His last name.
The word Christ means anointed one.
It came from the Greek word "Christos".
It's where we get the word Messiah from.
Daniel 9:25
Psalm 2:2
Mark 14:61-62
We're not offended by the Name Jesus.
Messianic Judaism is to reach the Jew first.
Jews know there is much blood shed through the Name Jesus.
Learn the lingo.
There is different words in language.
"The term "Christian" originally meant "follower of Christ" or "follower of Messiah".
"Unfortunately, over time, the term "Christian" came to mean more than simply "follower of Messiah"."
"For all intents and purposes, the term "Christian" has become synonymous with "non-Jew" or "Gentile"."
Jesus didn't come to do away with Jewish identity.
Jesus didn't come to do away with Israel.
Jews don't convert.
This is our God.
It's all in the mind.
Messianic Judaism is Biblical Judaism.
You don't have to stop being a Jew to follow Jesus.
That is why we do not use the Name Jesus.
We are all one culture.
We have one Messiah.
Jesus was not the only Jew that was crucified.
For Jews the cross is the symbol of persecution.
If you wear a cross be sensitive to those around you.
Jews call themselves "completed Jews" because we believe Yeshua is the fulfillment or completion of Biblical Judaism.
Yeshua never intended to start a new religion.
Fulfilled does not mean to dispose of.
The Prophets promised a Messiah would come.
To do it does not nullify it.
Coming to Yeshua does not mean the Promises are over.
It does not mean the Torah is over.
The Torah shows us the Way.
Without the Hebrew Scriptures we don't know a thing about Messiah.
It is not the end of the Law.
Today people read the Bible only in English and don't understand the original language.
The New Testament was written in Greek.
Early Church fathers made it up as they went doing what they thought was right.
There was no Jewish influence around.
The Book of Matthew may have originally been written in Hebrew.
Ohio is where one of the first Messianic Synagogue was.
Matthew 5:17
Rabbinic Judaism puts the word of the Rabbi over the Bible.
In Acts the first non-Jews believers were called "God fearers" (Ger in Hebrew).
Many Messianic believers that are not Jewish say they are Messianic believers.
Acts 2
The Law of Moses is the Torah.
No one has ever been able to keep all the Laws.
Not all the Law is universal.
Some Laws don't apply to us.
When it boils down to Ones we can actually keep, it is over 100 (not 613).
Yeshua is the Living Torah.
The Torah is not a list of dos and don't to be righteous.
We do them became we want to please God.
God gave us the Picture of Messiah in Genesis 3.
The New Testament agrees with the Tanakh (Old Testament).
The Book of Ezekiel has not happened yet.
The Word of God is our spiritual food.
1 Peter 2:2
We need That to increase our faith.
Our minds wander.
We forget.
Get in the Word.
Romans 10:17
Don't think you can't fall.
Don't think you are immune to it.
Keep yourself in the Word of God.
2 Timothy 3:16
This is not a one time event.
We are being changed.
We have to do it daily.
Psalm 119:11
We find His Will.
God speaks to us in His Word.
Spend time with Him.
Read His Word.
Psalm 19:7
You got to know God yourself.
Psalm 119:105; John 16:13
Hebrews 4:12
Get in the Word.
Psalm 1:1-3
Get yourself a good translation but understand your English is limited.
Psalm 119:18
Psalm 119:11
To study the Bible, use aides.
Start in Genesis.
Without Torah, you can't understand the rest of the Bible.
God gave us revelation in stages.
Some use Psalms as prayers.
Some use Proverbs.
One Proverb a day.
Before you start reading the Bible, pray.
Don't just read the Bible. Study it.
Don't treat the Bible like a textbook.
After you read, pray.
2 Timothy 2:15
Never throw a Bible away.
"Don't try to comprehend everything you read; take what you can understand and let the Lord use that in your life."
All Scripture is inspired by God.
Everything has a purpose.
There is no contradiction.
It just may seem like it.
It is a Living Book.