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Tikvat Yisrael Messianic Synagogue Bible Study Notes for September 19th:

Genesis 27 and 28

Genesis 26:34

Jacob understood the spiritual aspect of the blessing, the covenant, and where it was going to go.

Esau didn't.

Dreams mentioned in Scripture are prophecy.

God extends His Protection to His righteous ones even though angels are unseen.

Angels are God's Agents that carry out Earthly affairs.

God's saying this Promise (to Jacob) is for eternity.

Yeshua is the Lamb that is brought in to take our place.

We as humans get distracted so easily by things around us.

God speaks to us in our dreams.

From the binding of Isaac we see the Messianic with the substitute ram.

John 1:44-51

Yeshua is like the Ladder between Heaven and Earth.

He bridges that gap.

Yeshua is the Link that replaces that Temple or Tabernacle.

Yeshua is our Link to Heaven.

He allows us to have that relationship with the Father through the shedding of His Blood.

He gives up His Life freely, His Blood is shed, and He provides that Link.

Through Jacob's dream God is showing I am the Ultimate Authority and everyone gets their orders from Him.

God comes to us in dreams.

Psalm 118:22

Acts 4:11

Matthew 21:42

Matthew 16:13–18

Mark 8:27–29

Luke 9:18–20

Yeshua is the Rock Himself.

Sarah, Rebecca, and Rachel are barren.

God is teaching patience and trust in His Sovereign Will.

A thousand years is like a day to God.

We as human beings are impatient.

God's Timing is Perfect.

God is Perfect.

He will take care of us.

Philippians 4:6

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