THURSDAY EVENING MA'RIV & TORAH STUDY: Gottlieb Beit Midrash Parashat Bereshit 5785
Parashat Bo 5785 / פָּרָשַׁת בֹּא
Torah: Exodus 10:1-13:16
Haftarah: Jeremiah 46:13-26
Gospels: Mark 4-5
Exodus 12:2
Passover was the beginning of Israel coming out of Egypt.
That is why it is the beginning of the years.
The Hebrew calendar is not 100% lunar.
It is mostly lunar.
Passover has to occur in the springtime.
Yeshua entered on a donkey on the tenth day of the first month.
It was four days before the Jews sacrifice.
The first Passover was the exodus from Egypt.
The ultimate Passover was Yeshua dying on the cross to give us exodus from sin.
By saying Hosanna they were saying save us please.
They were seeing Yeshua as the King of Israel.
There is a lot of imagery that the Scriptures give us.
Jesus had perfect integrity.
There was nothing false in Him.
He was Perfect.
Yeshua did not have the sin of Adam.
Yeshua had no Earthly father.
Modern Judaism is much different than it was when it was Biblical Judaism.
The lambs were killed at 3 o'clock which is when Yeshua died.
Yeshua had the seder the day before Passover.
It would not have been uncommon to have seders at different times because they had different sects.
In the first century, it would not have been uncommon for Jews to have had seders at different times.
They had different calendars.
Psalm 114
Psalm 13
Psalm 14-15
Psalm 116
Psalm 117
Psalm 118
There are no coincidence with God.
There is no doubt God planned it.
Don't judge people of that day.
God will make Himself known.
We don't know what a miracle it is that Yeshua made Himself known to us.
It is hard to remember what it was like before we believed.
It was a daily thing to see a Jew crucified.
Everything around us God is showing us He is angry.
When Christ looks down on us, He is hurt.
Are we doing as He said?
He's not mad at us that have accepted Him.
2 Corinthians 4:4
2 Timothy 2:25-26
Pray that God would make the blinders fall off and pray for them to have a spirit of repentance.
The blood of the lamb on the doorposts saved the Israelites from death.
The Blood of Yeshua saved believers from eternal death.
Both happened one time.
Yeshua's Blood literally fell on the soil of Jerusalem.
Messiah passed over the sins we previously committed.
He came to die for our sins so our sins are forgiven.
Yeshua purchased us and paid a price for the sins we commintted.
He steped in our place.
When we sin we are nullifying that purchase.
Yeshua purchased our sins.
It doesn't belong to us.
We have to give it to Him.
You can't afford to keep your sin.
We can't pay for it.
We got to repent when we do sin.
Don't own it.
It's a burden on your back when you carry it.
Matzo is flat, pierced, and stripped.
That represents Christ.
He was pierced.
It represents Christ and His Body.
The things He went through on the cross.
Isaiah 53
It represents Yeshua because He had no sin.
The piercing is the piecring of His Body.
It's a whole piece.
The whip was the stripes.
All sacrifices had to have no blemish.
That represented Messiah.
God cannot look upon sin.
Something we cannot do He did.
He did not sin.
1 Corinthians 5:7
If you think about a believer, we're supposed to be unleavened.
It creeps up on us too.
We can look at other people and see the speck in their eye.
We need to see the log in our eye.
We need to guard ourselves.
We all have our struggles.
It's not our righteousness.
We have no righteousness on our own.
Acts 15