Parashat Terumah 5785 / פָּרָשַׁת תְּרוּמָה
Torah: Exodus 25:1-27:19
Haftarah: 1 Kings 5:26-6:13
Gospels: Mark 10-11
As Adam sinned God took His Presence from this Earth.
Because of Yeshua, I can now dwell in Him and He in me.
God took me out of Egypt in that generation.
There was a mixed multitude that was there.
Many Egyptians came out.
John 1:14
We as ourselves are Tabernacles.
When we repent and turn our lives to the Lord we are cleansed.
Yeshua is the Holy Place and the Dwelling Place.
Yeshua is the Holy and Righteous One.
We too are set apart when we follow Yeshua.
He wants to Tabernacle with us.
Our home is a Tabernacle.
It should be a dwelling place for the Lord.
Our homes need to be cleansed.
Your dwelling place should be a holy place.
Yeshua is the Temple of the Lord.
Believers are called to be Temples of the Lord.
Sacrifice time to be alone with Our Father.
Keep our thoughts and actions holy unto Him.
We're supposed to walk in God's Ways.
We're supposed to study and pray daily.
Messiah will come to Earth for at least 1000 years.
There will be a Third Temple.
We're not just supposed to be a dwelling place.
We're supposed to be a holy dwelling place.
Where do you find the Lord?
He's with you all the time.
He doesn't want to be hidden.
2 Thessalonians 2:4
Matthew 24:25
We see things happen again and again.
The first Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Av on the Hebrew calendar.
The secomd Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Av on the Hebrew calendar.
There has to be a third Temple for the things of Revelation to happen.
Hebrews 8:4-5
Hebrews 9:24-25
The Tabernacle/Temple on Earth is a copy of the real Temple in Heaven.
Everything you see in the physical Tabernacle/Temple mirrors what is in Heaven.
The Ark of the Covenant is called a Throne.
God's Throne is surrounded by angels.
God's Throne is a judgment seat.
He shows mercy to us because of what Yeshua did.
The Holy of Holies is the Throne Room of God Himself.
The Ten Commandments tablets are in the Ark of the Covenant.
God shows us mercy by giving us those rules on how to live.
Yeshua is the Testimony.
We testify in what we believe in and trust in.
Our prayers are a sweet fragrance.
The 12 loaves represent the 12 tribes of Israel.
The loaves were unlevened.
The Temple is for humility to come before the Lord.
The Light of the World is Yeshua (the true Light).
The menorah is the symbol.
Isaiah 42:6
Isaiah 46:6
Isaiah 2:2
Isaiah 60:3
There is a menorah for the third Temple.
Yeshua is the Light of the World.
The veil represents Yeshua's Body.
The veil kept separate the Holy from the Holy of Holies.
John 14:6
All must come through Jesus.
He is our Mediator.
He is our Life.
He is the Tree of Life.
If you have faith, you have Heaven.
The tearing of the veil was God renting His Garment at the dieing of His Son.
Yeshua's death reconciled man to God.
It gave us intimacy.