Parashat Yitro 5785 / פָּרָשַׁת יִתְרוֹ
Torah: Exodus 18:1-20:23 (26)
Haftarah: Isaiah 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6
Gospels: Mark 7-8
Acts 2
The Torah was given on Shavuot.
Exodus 19-20
Exodus 18:20
Joel 2
The week of Passover has two Shabbats.
Passover is a Shabbat.
Then there is the weekly Saturday Shabbat.
God receives us when we repent and turn to Him.
John 10:16
When we hear God's Voice He's calling us.
He's drawing us in.
It's hearing It, turning, and obeying.
He is the Sheppard.
The sheep of the fold is Israel.
God puts His Brand on us.
We are to obey the Sheppard.
Romans 9-12
Jew and Gentile are one.
No one is replacing anyone.
Ephesians 2
Yeshua did not come to create a new religion.
He came to bring salvation to Jew and Gentile.
Gentiles and Jews were never meant to be separated.
God loves the Jewish people.
They are still His people.
That doesn't mean they are part of the remnant.
Exodus 24:10
Genesis 22
It's important that people repent now before Judgment starts.
Every Word in the Torah has significant meaning.
There are no accidents.
The 613 Commandants are built on the Foundation of the 10 Commandments.
Most of human law code is based on the 10 Commandments.
The first five Commandments are how we treat God.
He is our Father.
That's how we honor Him.
The next 5 are how we treat humanity.
All the rest of the 613 relate to how we treat God and how we treat our fellow man.
The 10 is a summary of the 613.
God gave the Israelites Commands how to Worship Him.
That's part of the 613.
Not all the 613 contain to all people.
Some are for men.
Some are for women.
Some are for farmers.
They are not all meant for everyone.
If you have read the Torah you have read the 613.
Yeshua elevated the Law.
Especially in Matthew 5.
Yeshua did not water down the Torah.
God's Standard is even higher.
There are over 1100 Laws in the New Testament.
Psalm 119
The Law gives us guidance.
Galatians 2
Yeshua is Perfect in every way.
He is the Living Torah.
He is the Word made flesh.
There us no way He could break any of the Torah.
That would be denying Himself.
God cannot deny Himself.