Tikvat Yisrael Messianic Synagogue Bible Study Notes for December 19th:
Gottlieb Beit Midrash: Parashat Vayeshev 5785 / פָּרָשַׁת וַיֵּשֶׁב
Torah: Genesis 37:1-40:23
Haftarah: Amos 2:6-3:8
God's Word is Alive and Living
It's not just words on a page.
Literal meaning of the dream of the twelve sheaves.
Both Joseph and Yeshua are Saviors of Israel.
Yeshua was the main sheave.
Joseph was the center.
His brothers were the 11.
Yeshua died at Passover.
Matthew 28:16-17
In the future all will prostrate themselves before the Master.
Matthew 19:28
Literal meaning of the sun, moon, and stars.
Sun and the moon would be Jacob and Rachel.
Rachel being included in that would make it post Resurrection.
Numbers 24:17
Joseph as the son of Israel.
Rachel is the mother of Israel.
Yeshua is the Son of Israel.
The sun, moon, and stars testify of Messiah.
Revelations 12:1-2
Genesis 1:14-16
The Festivals are God's Times and Seasons.
The whole Hebrew Calendar give us signs.
They speak to the Messiah.
Messiah Ben Joseph is the sufferer.
Messiah Ben David is the One coming back.
He is One Messiah.
It's not two Messiahs.
A lot of Rabbinic literature was written 200 years after Yeshua.
How does Yeshua of Nazareth satisfy the contractions?
Yeshua was the son of Joseph the carpenter.
He did come as the suffering servant born of Mary.
He comes to rule on the Thrown of David.
His Eartly father was Joseph.
In His first coming He was the Suffering Servant.
In His second coming He will ciome as the Conquering King.
Luke 15
Who are the lost sheep of Israel?
The people that religious leaders looked down on.
Matthew 15:24
John 10
We're all part by being grafted in.
We're not a separate Israel.
Yeshua was sent to Israel.
We are grafted in.
Even Jews that are natural branches have to be grafted in.
When He says He was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel that doesn't exclude gentiles.
Not all Jews wanted Jesus dead.
Not all Jews plotted for His Death.
The Disciples didn't want Him dead.
His Disciples were Jewish too.
Yeshua is the Lamb of God.
Matthew 26:3-4
At that point the High Priest was appointed by Rome.
Caiaphas was not even a Biblically appointed Priest.
Yeshua came to give His Life.
Yeshua said Himself that no one takes His Life.
He gave His Life willingly.
There were so many Jews following Jesus.
It was the political elite that wanted Jesus dead.
To blame all Jews for Jesus' Death is nonsense.
Christ didn't have to give His Life.
He did it for the Father.
He did it for us.
God pre orchestrated Rome to come against Christ.
Yeshua and Joseph were both in Egypt.
Joseph was in an empty well.
Yeshua was in an empty tomb.
Joseph showed mercy and grace to his brothers.
Yeshua shows us mercy and grace.
God takes our brokenness and turns it.
Before we believed we had done things.
Jeremiah 22:24
Numbers 15:38
Psalm 110:2
Genesis 85:9
The Name of God equivalent is the number of the Commandments.
The tzitzit is equivalent to the Name of God.
Numbers 15