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Greater Works COGIC Bible Study Zoom Meeting Notes for August 30th:

Background Reading: Mark 14:3-9; 15:40-41; Acts 1:14; 8:12; 9:36-42; 16:18-28; 17:4; Acts 18:1-3; Luke 8:1-3

Devotional Reading: Luke 24:1-12

Central Verse: Matthew 27:55

Title of Lesson: Women In Ministry In The New Testament

Some Notes:

The women are double or triple the men in the Church.

Women have been the backbone of the Church from the beginning.

Give honor where honor is due.

Every generation is taught something different.

By culture Jesus should not have talked to the woman at the well.

Jesus uses everyone.

If you were available He used you.

If you were willing He used you.

If you love Him He used you.

Jesus doesn't care about gender, race, color, or creed.

Jesus uses everyone.

It isn't about men or women.

It's about souls.

You can learn something from everybody.

The moment you think you know everything you are no use to God.

If you can't help someone, pray for them.

Women are powerful human beings.

God fearing women are unstoppable.

It is important to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

We are all servants.

When you serve you help people.

We have to hold on to our faith.

We have to hold on to His Word.

We have to hold on to His Promises.

Jesus came that we may have life.

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