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Some things I am thankful for:


(This is definitely not a complete list)

1: I am thankful I believe in the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.

2: I am thankful Jesus came in the flesh then died on the cross to save me.

3: I am thankful I can talk to my parents almost every day.

4: I am thankful for the people in my life that honestly care about me

5: I am thankful I live in an apartment (and am not somewhere I don't want to be). I have electricity and pumbling.

6: I am thankful for the food, beverages, and household supplies I do have.

7: I am thankful that my health is stable. I am thankful for the things I can do and don't dwell on the things I can't do.

8: I am definitely thankful for the overwhelming imagination the Lord gifted me with.

9: I am thankful for the writing ability He gave me and that He let me publish books (maybe one day they will sell well but I am so thankful to publish them).

10: I am thankful for Services online.

11: I am thankful for internet services.

12: I am thankful for the gift of photography that the Lord gave me.

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