I started writing when I was 15 because I had an idea that would not go away. At first, writing did not mean much to me. Now it is so much a part of me. I truly feel my writing and overactive imagination are gifts from the Lord. As long as He keeps blessing me with ideas I will keep writing. On Thursday I got an email saying Lulu Revenues. Most of my books are published using lulu.com. Two of my ebooks and two of my paperbacks have sold a little. I'm so glad "Amazing Love" the ebook version and "Amazing Love Continues" the paperback were among the sales. I only got five dollars and change. Last year, my paperback "Finally Together" (published with Outskirts Press) sold a copy copies. My books haven't sold a lot but a few have sold some. We all have to start somewhere. To me, writing is not about making money. I'm not saying making money wouldn't be nice but that is not even in my thoughts when I publish. I write because the Lord gave me that wonderful gift and writing is part of me. Mostly writing fiction. I want to share the gift the Lord gave me. And I hope to touch, inspire, and bless somehow with my writing.
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